Twilight Eclipse Board Game

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Twilight Eclipse Board Game
Twilight Eclipse Board Game

If you’ve seen Twilight Eclipse at least once, it is time for you to try your hand at the Twilight Eclipse Board Game! At less than $10, it makes for a cheap night of fun entertainment. Here’s the description from Amazon:

“How much do you know about The Twilight Saga: Eclipse? To play, you must answer questions about the movie, complete Eclipse challenges, and travel the board covered in movie images. Once you move into the inner ring of the board you will need to defeat Newborns and Victoria in order to collect Scenes 1- 8 to win. The playing board and cards contain over 100 images from the new film and sculpted Cullen Crest and Volturi Crest Moving pieces.”

Sounds like as fun game. Have you played it yet? Click here to check it out at