Twilight Book Coupons: Save on Twilight Saga

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If you are still looking for copies of Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, or Breaking Dawn, you are in luck! Both Barnes & Noble and Borders are running coupons right now to take a percentage off any one item on their websites, which includes the Twilight books and Twilight Soundtrack.

The Barnes & Noble coupon is for 10% off any one item and is available through December 18. You can click here or use coupon code D9E4E3T.

Borders is running a coupon that will let you take 30% off of any one item and it is available through December 24. You can click here or use coupon code BAC1226X. Another great thing about Borders it that your shipping is free with a $25 purchase or you can have anything shipped for free to your closest store.

Of course, these coupons can be used for items other than Twilight books, but they do have all of the Twilight books in stock at pretty good prices as well as some of the special Twilight books such as the Twilight Movie Companion. And you can get them in time for Christmas to give as gifts.


  1. Jasmine Mundy says

    OMG. i want the rest of the books so bad. they are addicting. im in love with Edward. he makes my heart melt. and I think they are the most amazing books i have evr read 🙂 They always make me shake no mater how many times i read them <3

  2. Beckie says

    I went to go and see twilight last night with a few friends. I left the cinema shaking with excitment. We planned out eclipse in seconds and we are totally convinced that Bella is going to turn into a Vampire, but be an evil one.
    Anyway i think it is the most epic and moving movie i have ever watched. Edward makes my heart melt because the passion he has for Bella and he is georgeous. I am in definate Love!
    I am itching to read the last 3 books, yet cannot find a cheap enough deal on them. Any sugestions will be much appreciated x

  3. says

    Dear Whomever this may concern,
    I have also wanted to read the books of the twilight sega. I went on ebay and found all four books for $45.95. It is a very good deal for such tasteful books.
    I also have read twilight and am now on chapter 8 in new moon. I just got the book 2 days ago. I am 12 years old and hate reading anything that doesn’t involve Edward Anthony Mason Cullen and Kristen Stewert.
    Thank you very much for listening to what I had to say. I appriciate it dearly! Good Luck.

  4. says

    Kristen Stewert is great as Belle Swan. And Robert Pattison is a wonderful passionate vampire that can’t despite and refuse to stay away from true love forever. Like it says, Forbidden to remember, Terrified to forget!