Breaking Dawn 2 Merchandise at Hot Topic

Twilight Breaking Dawn Merchandise at Hot Topic

Twilight Fans! Find the best Twilight merchandise, collectibles, clothes, jewelry, and more. Disclosure: We make a commission off of some of the links. Not only does Hot Topic have some new merchandise for Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn, but some of it is a part of their BOGO 50% Off Sale (which is Buy One item, […]

Get Renesmee Bracelet from Breaking Dawn

Renesmee Bracelet from Twilight Breaking Dawn

Ready for the latest piece of Twilight jewelry! To coincide with the release of Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2 you can now get a prop replica of Renesmee’s Bracelet. The braided bracelet produced by NECA is made to be identical to the one in the movie. If you recall from the book, the bracelet […]

Twilight Beauty Tools from

The full line of Twilight PRO Beauty Tools is now available at What I really like about this merchandise is that it is Twilight related but also something that you can use every day–even well beyond when Twilight has passed. The line features limited edition hair care items of the same type that were […]

Twilight Gift Guide 2011

Each year there are some great items that would be perfect Christmas gifts for Twilight fans. Every year they tend to change as new movies and merchandise come out. Here are our favorites for 2011: My favorite Twilight gift of all this year is the Breaking Dawn Bella’s Wolf and Heart Bracelet from Hot Topic […]